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Corporate News, News

2024 National Day Holiday Notice


Dear all employees:


According to the national statutory holiday arrangement, combined with the actual situation of the company, we hereby notify you of the 2024 National Day holiday arrangement and related matters as follows:


I. Holiday time
2024年国庆节放假时间为:09.90-10.07, 共计8天。

2024 National Day vacation time is: 09.90-10.07, total 8 days.
9.28, 9.29, 10.12, for the transfer of working days, all employees need to go to work normally.


Work arrangement

1、Please make pre-holiday work arrangements in advance for all department heads to ensure that the work can be smoothly handed over and carried out during the vacation. For the work that needs to be handled during the holiday, please plan and prepare in advance.

2、Before the vacation, please conduct safety inspection in each department, close the doors, windows and power supply to ensure the safety of the company’s property.

3、During the vacation period, if there is any urgent work that needs to be handled, please keep your cell phone communication smooth so as to respond in time.


On the occasion of National Day, the company sends the most sincere holiday greetings to all employees and their families! May we all have a pleasant, safe and fulfilling vacation and spend good time with our families, and at the same time, we wish our motherland prosperity and people’s happiness and well-being!

行政部 2024年9月27日

Department of Administration September 27, 2024

Corporate News, News

HOACE INTELLIGENT employees actively participate in blood donation activities, transferring positive energy of love.

Recently, our company organized a blood donation activity, which got a warm response and active participation from the employees. This activity aimed to advocate the spirit of love and mutual help, dedication to society, and at the same time improve the sense of social responsibility and team cohesion of employees.

On the day of the activity, the company’s conference room was newly decorated and the volunteers were waiting there early. Some of them were young employees and senior managers, all of them made concerted efforts to contribute their own strength to this public welfare activity.

“Donate blood without compensation, donate love with heart.” This is what many employees said when they donated blood. They practiced social responsibility and transmitted positive energy of love with their actions. One employee said, “Being able to participate in such public welfare activities makes me feel very proud and happy. I hope my warm blood can help more people in need.”

The leaders of the company also expressed their gratitude and affirmation for the enthusiastic participation of the employees. They emphasized that enterprises should not only pursue economic benefits, but also pay more attention to the physical and mental health of employees and social responsibility. Through such public welfare activities, not only can we help others, but also enhance the emotional communication and team cohesion among employees.

The blood donation activity is not only a simple act of blood donation, but also an expression of love and social responsibility. It is hoped that through such activities, more people can be inspired to join the public welfare cause, and jointly transmit love and warmth, so that the society is full of positive energy.

In the future, we will continue to organize similar public welfare activities, advocating love and mutual assistance, transferring positive energy, and letting the act of love become part of our corporate culture, contributing more love and hope to society.

Corporate News, News

2024 New Year Holiday Notice



The Spring Festival of 2024 is approaching, we would like to wish all the staff a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year!

In order to make the staff and the company spend a joyful, peaceful and safe Spring Festival together, according to the national regulations, combined with the actual situation of the company, the relevant matters are notified as follows:

Each department should arrange their own work schedule after receiving the vacation notice.
Return to the company on time after the vacation.
All personnel please bring a good collection of the company’s coworkers address book table, if you need to contact, please call the phone in time.

HOACE INTELLIGENT Administration Department

Corporate News, News

HAOCE to exit Russian market

Hoace is deeply concerned about the tragic developments in Ukraine and stand with all the people who are suffering.

Hoace has decided to temporarily pause all sales in Russia.

Hoace stands with the people of Ukraine and the governments, companies and individuals around the world calling for the immediate end to the unlawful and horrific attack on the people of Ukraine and their freedom.

Our priority remains to do everything we can to support our colleagues in Ukraine”

We are providing extensive support to our employees and the people in Ukraine and neighboring countries by offering financial donations as well as food and material donations.

Corporate News, News

On March 13th, HOACE Intelligent signed a strategic cooperation agreement with IPG Germany.

On March 11th, Shandong Hoace Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. signed a laser cooperation purchasing ceremony with IPG from Germany.

Mr. Michael Lu, Chairman of Hoace Intelligent, Mr. Qiang Lee, Acting General Secretary of IPG China, Mr. Qin Xiang, Vice President of Jinan Laser Research Institute, and Mr. Ting Liu, Secretary General of Shandong Federation of Industry and Commerce attended the ceremony.

At the signing ceremony, Michael Lu, Chairman of Hoace Intelligent, expressed his blessing and expectation for the cooperative project, wishing that both parties could give full play to their advantages and strive for a successful project cooperation to realize a win-win situation.

Qiang Lee, Acting General Secretary of IPG China, said that this signing will be the beginning of the future cooperation between HOACE and IPG Laser, which has a bright prospect of win-win cooperation and creating a bright future together, and that both parties should stabilize the development of the cooperation project, jointly promote the prosperous development of the laser industry, and make the laser industry in Shandong Province bigger and stronger.

Industry News, News

Routine maintenance methods of CO2 marking machine

CO2 marking machine can be used to mark on various materials, including wood, glass, fabric, leather and so on. So, what are the tips for daily maintenance in the process of using CO2 laser marking machine?

  1. Before starting the use of CO2 laser marking machine, to ensure that the laser marking machine is already access to cold water. Into the water to follow the principle of low into high. Also pay attention to the location of the outlet pipe, to ensure that the cold water into the cold water pipe, and will be filled with it. In addition, also pay attention to whether there are air bubbles in the cold water pipe, if there are air bubbles first expel the air bubbles. Note that pure or distilled water must be used, and the water temperature should be controlled at 25 to 30 degrees Celsius.
  2. In the use of carbon dioxide laser marking machine process, be sure to pay attention to ensure that the cold water tank clean. The water tank can not have scale, to prevent the blockage of water pipes. Water tank blockage will cause the inability to dissipate heat. If you find that there is scale in the cold water tank, you can use dilute hydrochloric acid to clean the water pipe.
  3. Be sure to protect the lens on the CO2 marking machine, otherwise it will cause the CO2 laser marking machine power drop. If the surface of the lens is contaminated, you can use degreasing cotton or alcohol to wipe the lens until clean.
  4. CO2 marking machine must be kept dry to avoid damage to the machine caused by excessive humidity. Please note: For users who use AC power, the cold water tank must be grounded.